Looking for additional capital or experienced team members to support your business? Let HY Financial help you. For small business, we also provide financial reporting and all your back office supports including, corporate documentation, book keeping, licensing and permits.

We've been helping small business for more than a decade. We can provide our services to a variety of businesses. Below are some examples of the works we’ve done. Please take a look at the selected projects below to gain a better understanding of our board range of services.
Helping the AI company grow and scale into an industry powerhouse. Creating an efficient and effective IT as service (ITAAS), streamline the Accounting and Payroll processes, providing internal business infrastructure, and change managment. Building an agile technology commericalization process that will help reach company goals.
Our preferred approach to partner and to invest in your business. We want to be involved from the beginning. 7 Billiards is an ideal case for us from brainstorm to design to build and finally turning it into a premiere billiards place for pro and armature players in the DC, MD and VA area. We are now part of the limited partners but in addition to lead boardroom discussions, we provide the business with on-going bookkeeping, cash management and financial reporting services for a low fixed fee.
iRock is a good example of how we can help turnaround an existing business. When we purchased it in 2014, it had several licensing and operation issues. The business was also in the red. But it was the only karaoke lounge in the area and we saw the potentials. Within a year, we were able to turn the business around, brought in the profit and broke even. A few years later, as other saw the potentials from us, more karaoke lounges opened in the region. Now, facing a new round to competitive landscape, we are back to work.
Equity investment may not be suitable for all early stage companies. That's why we can also provide debt financing solutions. Once we approve your business plan and after a few rounds of due diligence, we can work with you to find the right solution for you. Med2Lab with proprietary IP uses AI to train medical professionals and students. We were able to fund a portion of its early stage financing using convertible preferred loans.
We can manage all aspects of your business, even if you are remote. We worked with the business owners who were looking to relocate to the DC area from Atlanta, GA. We narrowed the potential leases for our client by video conference while we were on site. We prepared the lease, worked with trusted architect on the layout drawings and with contractors to get city permit and oversaw the construction. Finally, we furnished the business to their request so the owners can simply "plug and play" into the new location with ease. In addition, we helped to set up all business related documents and permits, developed and executed an aggressive marketing plan, include design and build out the business website, social media pages, optimize Google Ads Campaign, SEO and other business strategies that allow business to operate from day one with minimum disruption to the practice and income due to the relocation.


We all have something larger than life that drives us. OneOnian is an idea that we should all learn or rather unlearn to be who we truly are. The oneness within self. By gaining that understanding, we will inadvertently learn compassion. This will lessen the human suffering by liberating our mind. This is our work outside of work. Let us bring our moral compass to your work. Learn who we are and our life principles through our OneOnian Blog.
Want to join our growing list of successful projects and satisfied clients? Talk to us about your business.